Title: Stop Pretending: What Happened When My Big Sister
Went Crazy
Author: Sonia Sones
Reviewer: Anon
Who are the main characters?
Cookie, Cookie’s big sister, and their parents.
What happens in the book?
Cookie’s big sister has a breakdown and goes crazy. She has to go to a mental hospital, but Cookie doesn’t deal well with it. She becomes a loner at school. At the end, her sister gets well again, and Cookie, through all her trauma, ends up with a boyfriend!
What did you like/dislike about the book and why?
I liked everything about the book because it was so real. I can almost imagine being there and going through the same situation as her. I also liked it because situations like Cookie’s do happen in real life. The only thing I didn’t like about the book, was that it was too short, I would’ve liked to read more!
Stars out of five: 4/5